Made this one for a drawing-competition at, in which the objective was to illustrate the character Alcatraz from the game Crysis 2. I only had two days to do it, so I went for simplistic, but effective, tasteful and original(to reproduce an original artwork by another artist is good practice, but nothing more) . The idea was to turn this ultra-macho and kinda stereotype gaming-character into something that was defiant of the stereotype. I lost the excessive musclebuild of the original character by reproducing the body of a small girl and then further emasculating it by dressing it up in a pink little outfit. The title is referring to Alcatraz´s desire and dreams to be something more than just a stereotype. I would have loved to do more, but I didn't have the time.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Unfulfilled Ambitions
Made this one for a drawing-competition at, in which the objective was to illustrate the character Alcatraz from the game Crysis 2. I only had two days to do it, so I went for simplistic, but effective, tasteful and original(to reproduce an original artwork by another artist is good practice, but nothing more) . The idea was to turn this ultra-macho and kinda stereotype gaming-character into something that was defiant of the stereotype. I lost the excessive musclebuild of the original character by reproducing the body of a small girl and then further emasculating it by dressing it up in a pink little outfit. The title is referring to Alcatraz´s desire and dreams to be something more than just a stereotype. I would have loved to do more, but I didn't have the time.
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