Thursday, 31 March 2011 is a place full of wonderful talents. Allthough I´m not too fond of the dragons, wizards and that whole fantasything, the talent displayed over there is amazing. Go there and have a look.

art by Whit Brachna

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The last cop on earth, detail, process

So i was asked to do a kinda retro-style coverart for a fictional game. I don't want to show too much yet, because i'd really like to present it together with the music that the "client" has produced. This is just to let you know what's going on.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Unfulfilled Ambitions

Made this one for a drawing-competition at, in which the objective was to illustrate the character Alcatraz from the game Crysis 2. I only had two days to do it, so I went for simplistic, but effective, tasteful and original(to reproduce an original artwork by another artist is good practice, but nothing more) . The idea was to turn this ultra-macho and kinda stereotype gaming-character into something that was defiant of the stereotype. I lost the excessive musclebuild of the original character by reproducing the body of a small girl and then further emasculating it by dressing it up in a pink little outfit. The title is referring to Alcatraz´s desire and dreams to be something more than just a stereotype. I would have loved to do more, but I didn't have the time.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Rejection 2011#1


Antagningsnämnden har nu gjort en första genomgång av ansökningarna till Kungl. Konsthögskolans kandidatprogram i fri konst läsåret 2011/2012.
Du har i dagsläget inte gått vidare till en andra omgång, men ett slutgiltigt besked om antagningen ges först 20 april via e-post och på ditt konto på

Happy times

So, I got through the vernissage and it was an amazing and overwhelming day. Even sold some paintings as well. Lots of friends and family came by, as well as people I had never met before, which made me really happy. Most people seemed to be impressed and there were a few given favorites. I´ll try to post more photos after the exhibition is over, but for now go ahead and take a look at these blogs where the show is mentioned.

Jonas blogg

Friday, 18 March 2011

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Thursday, 10 March 2011

The swimmer

Acrylics on canvas, 100x80cm

This was just supposed to be another quick and easy one so that I could expand the number of pieces I'll display at the exhibition, but instead it turned out to be one of my more unique pieces.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Asshole pizza by Foaming Kitty

Sometimes you stumble upon art that makes your jaw drop. This piece is one of those. I am stunned. Check it out here.

Another night, another piece

I was asked to do a painting in traditional media of these 2 characters. I first made a pencil-sketch, which i then scanned and cleaned up a bit before sending it to the client in order to showcase the basic idea and comp. The client hasn't replied or responded yet, which has left me to decide not do the painting. Instead i'll do a digital painting, using the preliminary sketch, and do it my way.

I accept that people might not always like my treatments, but when i take time away from what i really want to do in order to do a commission that i'm only doing for the money(which usually is quite a sad sum), i at least expect some kind of response. Have to learn how to say no and how to demand more money.