Monday, 29 November 2010


So I lost the t-shirt of the week competition. All week I was begging friends to help me, and they did. I am so thankful. But in the end it wasn't enough and I lost. Which was fine, because I was still happy knowing that I had so much support.

This morning I got an e-mail from explaining to me that cheating had occured in the contest. Appearently someone figured out how to vote multiple times in one day from the same computer.
This annoys me becuase now I don't know wether I should have won or suffered a bigger loss without the cheater(s). I am exhausted from the stress of gathering votes and racing like a rat begging for crumbs. They say that we will have another chance, which to me is... well, not too attractive(at least not with the same print).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

And again...

... This damn face dissolves when i put varnish on it. And so starts another monthlong process of fixing it. Oils are amazing, but they are highly unpredictable at times.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Alpine times

Digital, Corel Painter

I made an effort to make this a "full" painting, with proper depth and background as well as a forground. Whenever I actually manage to get started on a painting like this, it's all kinda comes together by itself. Lots of happy accidents, I guess.

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Corel Painter

This all came from a tiny sketch of a character that I made about 1,5 years ago. Not too long ago I kinda rediscovered the sketch and thought I could use it somehow. This is the result, though very different from the original sketch. Hope you like it.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

The Stand Off(formerly known as masturbation)

Acrylics on canvas, 100x80cm.

I had a very different vision for what this painting was going to be like, but sometimes it´s better not to struggle too much to keep your original idea intact and just move forward instead. It's a dramatic motif, but displayed in a undramatic way with the body posing in a simple profile. I put more emphasis on shading and shapes intstead. I like it, but I´m afraid that it might be a bit too revolting to some people. Do you like it?

P.S. I used my iphone to take this photo, so expect me to post a better one on my webpage soon enough.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Sisters, process#2

Not really sure where i am going with this, but that is how i work most of the time.

Sisters, process#1

Damn oils!

This face is giving me a hard time. It was all done and dry when i decided to put some varnish on it before adding some finishing touches on it. Should not have done that at the time because it disolved half the face, and now i am trying to redo it. What you see now is the result of the first round of redoing, hopefully it will come out ok.