Monday, 20 December 2010

The spitting-game, process#5

Get a disease and receive an exclusive fashion accessory

This is one of the percs of having epilepsy. And during the 30 minutes that followed I had to stare into a strobelight flashing at different speeds for a few minutes. Also had to hyperventilate for 3 minutes in a row. All of this in order to maintain my driverslicence.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Love Yourself - a poem

Åh, jag känner mig så skön.
Jag utger tunga stön.
Dessa händer mig kommit åt
Och gjort mig ack så våt.
Ett bra jobb har de gjort,
Då det rinner väldigt fort.
Allt i världen är så stressat,
Räddningen är - få könsorganet pressat.

Jean Lapin/The Vision

Svarten vs Tuna

High as a kite

Corel Painter

Sunday, 12 December 2010

I am a winner today

My t-shirt won this week at, so head over there and buy one now!
Let's celebrate with a video as well

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Updated/Redesigned website

I updated the look of my website. Take a look and let me know if u think it's better or worse than before. The only new content is some speedpaintingvideos found in works category.

And here is stupid random video...

Parting, process#3

Monday, 6 December 2010

Parting, process#2

Did some more acrylic work today before switching to oils. This one has potential, and i hope i dont screw it up

Vote for #2!!!

It's that time again!!! Head over to and vote for my t-shirt. PLEEEASE?

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Untitled childportrait, finished

I was commissioned to do this one by a friend. It's hardly exciting stuff, but there's always a big payoff from parents reaction.

Monday, 29 November 2010


So I lost the t-shirt of the week competition. All week I was begging friends to help me, and they did. I am so thankful. But in the end it wasn't enough and I lost. Which was fine, because I was still happy knowing that I had so much support.

This morning I got an e-mail from explaining to me that cheating had occured in the contest. Appearently someone figured out how to vote multiple times in one day from the same computer.
This annoys me becuase now I don't know wether I should have won or suffered a bigger loss without the cheater(s). I am exhausted from the stress of gathering votes and racing like a rat begging for crumbs. They say that we will have another chance, which to me is... well, not too attractive(at least not with the same print).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

And again...

... This damn face dissolves when i put varnish on it. And so starts another monthlong process of fixing it. Oils are amazing, but they are highly unpredictable at times.